Subject: Re: General Lisp questions...
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 1998/05/01
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* David Bakhash
| here are some things that I couldn't gather from Steele's book:

  you'll doubtless get numerous answers, so I'll try a shot, too...

| 1) temporarily, let's forget about macrolet.  Suppose I have a function
|    in which I'd like to define a local function (with `flet' or with
|    `labels').  And also, suppose that I want that function to be inlined 
|    inside the main function.  So it looks like this:

  the first question that occurs to me is "why do you want to inline it?"
  the second question is "why do you think you have tell the compiler so

| so I want to know where the declaration *should* go so that the function
| is inlined.

  evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS), as suggested when you start Allegro
  and in the User Guide.  the optimization setting affecting whether to try
  and _automatically_ inline function calls is


  this is actually a variable, whose values is

#<Function SPEED >= SPACE @ #x2683e2>

  indicating that if your optimization declarations satisfy this condition,
  the compiler will try to inline calls.  you can learn more about this:


  will tell you about each call the compiler has to generate code for.
  (note: it quickly gets verbose.)

| 2) can someone explain the difference between `labels' and `flet' ?  I
|    can't understand it :-(

  the scope of an FLET function binding is the _body_ of the FLET form.
  the scope of a LABELS function binding is the _whole_ LABELS form.

| 3) in Allegro CL, after you've verified that your program is really
|    clean and bug-free, you compile it with all the best compiler
|    options.  then you get a .fasl file which you can load at an time,
|    and you can run a program that way.  But is that the fastest way?  is 
|    there a way to turn your program into a binary executable that will
|    run even faster?

  when finalizing some software for packaging as a product, you build an
  image that is essentially a stand-alone program just like the Allegro CL
  image is.  you will replace the top-level loop with your own, and will
  probably not have the editor interface and all that included.  building
  such images can save you a lot of size, but probably not much in speed.
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