From ... Path:!!!!Gamma.RU!!!!!!not-for-mail Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Re: sum over list? References: <> Mail-Copies-To: never From: Erik Naggum Message-ID: <> Organization: Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway Lines: 176 User-Agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 14:19:38 GMT X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: 991059578 (Mon, 28 May 2001 16:19:38 MET DST) NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 16:19:38 MET DST Xref: comp.lang.lisp:10826 * Drew Krause > Boy is this a dumb question, but .... > > I need to create a function which sums all members of a variable-length > list, e.g. > > (sum '(2 3 4)) => 9 > (sum '(5 6)) => 11 > > I'm having trouble doing this for variable lengths, as using '+' > directly on the list of course won't work. There are a number of reasonably obvious answers to your question, but the reasons for choosing one among them might be worth investigating. (apply [...] ) calls with the arguments that first include all the ... and then those that results from "spreading" into separate arguments. This function is most applicable in combination with the &rest lambda list keyword, which does the reverse operation: it makes a bunch of arguments into a list. apply is a good function use when the arguments originate under complete program control. Otherwise, you may run into the system limit on the number of arguments in argument lists, you may get run-time errors reflecting unexpected types of arguments, and you may in pathological cases come across a circular or dotted list, which may have rather severe consequences on your Common Lisp system. (Surprisingly, Allegro CL just drops dead if apply gets a circular list.) (reduce ) calls with the first two elements from the sequence, then uses that value as the first argument in the next call, which takes the next element from the sequence, and thus it walks through the entire sequence, yielding the value of the final call to . (You can cause it to start with an initial value or to walk from the end with keyword args.) This is good when the sequence is not a list, and when it is really long, as it does not use more than two arguments to . Mind you, + would have to be called (1- n) times for a sequence of length n, anyway, so if you can avoid the overhead of calling + with all the arguments at once, that is a winner. However, it will fail with unknown argument types, circular lists and dotted lists. (let ((sum 0)) (dolist (elt sum) (when (numberp elt) (incf sum elt)))) is an inlined, iterative version that checks for numberness of each element before summing them. This version also dies with circular lists and dotted lists. (loop for elt in when (numberp element) sum elt) is a specialized version for summation, which in this case may be the most appropriate. It ensure that non-number elements are excluded from the process. This avoid argument type errors. The loop will still fail with an error if the list is dotted, and will never terminate if the list is circular. One problem here is that it might be an error if there is a non-number in the list, and you would never detect that. This could happen if you read numbers from a file that had gotten corrupted or were written by another program that, say, had a different floating-point format that turned into symbols for some of the not-quite-numbers. (and (list-length ) ...) using any of the above forms in place of the ellipsis, will ensure that circular lists are detected and dotted lists cause an error before anything else happens. (cond ((not (ignore-errors (list-length ))) ...) ((not (every #'numberp )) ...) (t (loop ...))) will test the primary conditions for success before trying to do the real work. However, this is a rather expensive approach, so what if we do it all in one fell swoop? (defun list-sum (list) (unless (and (listp list) (listp (cdr list))) (error "~S is not a proper list." list)) (do ((accum 0) (tortoise list (cdr tortoise)) (hare (cdr list) (cddr hare))) ((null tortoise) accum) (when (eq tortoise hare) (error "~S is a circular list." list)) (unless (and (consp tortoise) (listp hare) (listp (cdr hare))) (error "~S is a dotted list." list)) (unless (numberp (first tortoise)) (error "~S is not a number." (first tortoise))) (incf accum (first tortoise)))) Of course, this is suitable for a program that can bitch at the user, but what if you want to bitch in a way tha that the _program_ can handle, and want to make this idiomatic expression into a standard tool? (defmacro do-proper-list ((var listform &optional resultform &key if-circular if-dotted) &body body) "Traverse the value of listform, binding var to each element over body. Returns the value of resultform (default nil), upon completion. If the list is a circular list and if-circular is not a form that causes a non-local exit, return nil. Similarly with dotted lists and if-dotted. The form establishes a block named nil, like dolist." (let ((list (make-symbol "list")) (tortoise (make-symbol "tortoise")) (hare (make-symbol "hare"))) `(do* ((,var nil) (,list ,listform) (,tortoise ,list (cdr ,tortoise)) (,hare (cdr ,list) (cddr ,hare))) ((null ,tortoise) ,resultform) ;; circular list? (when (eq ,tortoise ,hare) ,if-circular (return nil)) ;; dotted list? (unless (and (listp ,tortoise) (listp ,hare) (listp (cdr ,hare))) ,if-dotted (return nil)) ;; proper list, use element (setq ,var (car ,tortoise)) ,@body))) (defun proper-list-p (list) "If is a proper list, return the number of elements, otherwise nil." (and (listp list) (listp (cdr list)) (do-proper-list (ignore list t)))) (deftype proper-list () `(and list (satisfies proper-list-p))) (defun list-sum (list &key junk-allowed) "Return the sum of the elements of list, which must be numbers unless junk-allowed is true, in which case non-numbers are ignored." (let ((sum 0)) (if (do-proper-list (elt list t) (if (numberp elt) (incf sum elt) (unless junk-allowed (error 'type-error :datum elt :expected-type 'number)))) sum (error 'type-error :datum list :expected-type 'proper-list)))) Unfortunately, Allegro CL discourages the use of typed conditions by lacking any useful default :report method for most of them, but I believe the above is in the spirit of the language as specified, so those who want this to be more user-friendly may decide to use the internal function excl::.type-error with the datum and the exected-type as ordinary (not keyword) arguments, or the _non-standard_ arguments :format-control and :format-arguments that should only have been in simple-type-error. If you dare to mess with the system internals, this also works well: #+allegro (defmethod print-object ((condition type-error) stream) (if (or *print-readably* *print-escape*) (call-next-method) (format stream "~1@<~@<~S is not of the expected type ~S~:@>~:@>" (type-error-datum condition) (type-error-expected-type condition)))) This is one of those small things that make using the excellent condition system in Common Lisp properly less than enticing. #:Erik -- Travel is a meat thing.