Chapter 3. Efficiency

FIXME: The material in the CMU CL manual about getting good performance from the compiler should be reviewed, reformatted in DocBook, lightly edited for SBCL, and substituted into this manual. In the meantime, the original CMU CL manual is still 95+% correct for the SBCL version of the Python compiler. See the sections

Besides this information from the CMU CL manual, there are a few other points to keep in mind.

Finally, note that Common Lisp defines many constructs which, in the infamous phrase, "could be compiled efficiently by a sufficiently smart compiler". The phrase is infamous because making a compiler which actually is sufficiently smart to find all these optimizations systematically is well beyond the state of the art of current compiler technology. Instead, they're optimized on a case-by-case basis by hand-written code, or not optimized at all if the appropriate case hasn't been hand-coded. Some cases where no such hand-coding has been done as of SBCL version 0.6.3 include

If your system's performance is suffering because of some construct which could in principle be compiled efficiently, but which the SBCL compiler can't in practice compile efficiently, consider writing a patch to the compiler and submitting it for inclusion in the main sources. Such code is often reasonably straightforward to write; search the sources for the string "deftransform" to find many examples (some straightforward, some less so).