Subject: Re: list to string etc.
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 1996/12/04
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Thomas Kaeufl
| perhaps the use of PRINC-TO-STRING might be preferred in
| > (make-symbol (format nil "~{~S~}" <list of symbols>))
| or
| > (intern (format nil "~{~S~}" <list of symbols>))
| In Lisp always use the function which is just appropriate for your
| task.  FORMAT is to big.

using this argument, we should be using C or assembly language.

`format' is a lot more efficient than the uninitiated believe.

if performance is your pet peeve, the `formatter' function parses the
control string normally to `format' and returns a function that can be used
in place of the control string, in which case `format' only calls that
function.  this function will be compiled if you stuff it in a variable:

(defvar *symbol-list-formatter* (formatter "~{~S~}"))

... (format t *symbol-list-formatter* <list of symbols>) ...

e.g., I get this from Bruno Haible's CLISP.  (I couldn't get CMUCL to want
to print the whole function it generated -- apparently *print-level* is
bound to some ridiculously low value when printing the internals of an
unprintable object of the interpreted-function persuasion.  suggestions?)

(formatter "~{~S~}")
=> #<closure :lambda (stream #:arg686 &rest #:args680)
      (declare (ignorable stream))
      (declare (ignorable #:arg686 #:args680))
       #'(lambda (&rest #:args685)
           (declare (ignorable #:args685))
	   (block nil
	        (when (endp #:args685) (return))
		(prin1 (pop #:args685) stream)
		(go system::l))))

this is the code that `format' actually runs.

however, if you wanted a version that didn't use `format' and could only be
used with symbols whose names are exactly one character long, this would be

    (map 'string (lambda (symbol) (char (symbol-name symbol) 0))
	 <list of symbols>)

as I had confirmed recently, the chance that this produces code that equals
the efficiency of the `format' call with a `formatter'-supplied function is

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