Subject: Re: How fast can lisp go?
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 2000/07/12
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Martin Cracauer
| Well, if it's real-time, you may get into conflict with the Garbage
| Collector. 

  This is a persistent myth.  Real time does not mean zero latency.
  With stream data, non-zero latency translates to buffering.  You
  don't want to saturate the processor, anyway, so you have time to
  catch up after a GC.

| There are no "real" problems with Common Lisp reaching what I'd call
| "raw machine speed".  Minor problems are that the declarations in
| Lisp are ugly and hard to write, so that you loose some of Lisp's
| advantage.

  So use Common Lisp to its advantage and write macros to help with
  the type declarations, then.

| Using objects from classes in the classical sense in Lisp (CLOS) is
| a lot slower than C++ or Objective-C, but for raw speed you don't
| want that anyway.

  Another persistent myth.  Properly declared, CLOS is not at a
  disadvantage compared to C++, which does a lot of unnecessary
  copying due to its lack of garbage collection.  It takes more time
  than C++ aficionados are willing to admit.

  If CMUCL still uses PCL, it should be noted that a native CLOS is
  much, much more efficient than PCL.

  If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.