Subject: Re: On nil qua false [was: Re: On conditionals]
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 19:52:03 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Andreas Bogk
| Because that's the association I have when reading your arguments.

  Precisely.  This is your problem, and you should just go fix it.  Nobody
  is so fucking stupid as to regard a standard as "gospel".  Grow a clue.

| The "you must believe in it, because it was written by God^Wpeople much
| smarter than you" argument.

  Where is the "believe in" part outside or your mind?  Just because you
  have a personal problem with your incredibly low reading comprehension
  and an overactive imagination that fills in the blanks when you do not
  understand what you read, does not give you the right to assume that you
  reach valid conclusions.  In fact, it is typical of inferior thinking
  skills that you _do_ think you can fill in the blanks and reach any
  goddamn conclusion you want.  Rational people do not lie about their
  observations in order to arrive at their pre-conceived conclusions.

| The "it's not Lisp unless it is Common Lisp, and everybody deviating from
| Common Lisp is a heretic, even if he doesn't claim

  Nobody says this, either, you dimwit.  Notice how you introduce all the
  religious terms -- because that is _your_ language.

>  What kind of short-circuiting of your thinking processes are you
>  satisfied with once you can label someone "religious"?

| I can stop trying to have a rational argument with them about the subject
| of their belief.

  But because _you_ make up your mind that somebody is religious, and you
  are the first to relinquish rational argument, _you_ are in fact the only
  irrational and religious person around.  You will never understand this,
  any more than most criminals accept that they are guilty.

| I'm not lacking evidence, there's enough in your postings.

  Only for the association in _your_ mind.  That has nothing at all to do
  with me.  For all your fascination with logic, you sure do not know how
  to arrive at valid premises.   When you accuse me of something when in
  fact you are only accusing me of causing associations in a deranged and
  religious mind, it is important to point out that every monster you see
  is your own creation.  Religious people, especially those who have turned
  their back to religion for the wrong reasons and who have a huge personal
  authority problem as a result, tend to assume that _all_ authorities are
  religious in nature, or want to be.  This happens only to stupid people
  who are too goddamn slowwitted to figure out what they really object to.
  Because they can label everything they do not like "religious" after this,
  they will also never mature or develop beyond this infantile rejection of
  authority.  In short, mentally underdeveloped and rebellious children.

| If I sound like a religious zealot to you (which of course is just a
| pattern in *your* brain), and if you think religious discussions are
| pointless, stop listening to me.

  A person who talks about "gospel" is ipso facto a religious zealot.

| I'm only reporting my impressions, honestly and faithfully.

  My _impression_ of you is that you are probably the stupidest person to
  come visit us in several months.  What value does this impression have?
  Should I share it with anyone?  I am trying to cause you, the stupidest
  person around, to revv up your dysfunctional brain and stop accusing
  people of your own mental problems that cause you to think anybody but
  you think in terms of religion and gospel.  This is _your_ problem, and
  only _you_ can solve it.  Here is how: Figure out that people who look
  religious to _you_, are in fact _not_.  Then read my signature and be
  enlightened, or at least start to think.

| If this annoys you, maybe you should search the reason on your side.

  Of course, it is also Common Lisp's fault that you have problems with it.

  Dylan seems to breed clueless idiots faster than applications.

  The past is not more important than the future, despite what your culture
  has taught you.  Your future observations, conclusions, and beliefs are
  more important to you than those in your past ever will be.  The world is
  changing so fast the balance between the past and the future has shifted.