Subject: Re: Qi Seems Great
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:11:45 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
John Thingstad <> wrote:
| skrev Pascal J. Bourguignon <>:
| > Language-wise, Common Lisp is 17 special operators, and an evaluation
| > model (lambda, closures, environments).   This is a very small kernel.
| actually 26.. see PCL. Now Scheeme has only 6

Well, R4RS Scheme actually had *9* primitive or special forms ["essential
syntax"] if you assume that there is some sort of macro system available
[one is proposed in the appendix, though not technically part of R4RS]:

    {variable reference}
    {procedure call}
    define-syntax  [or defmacro or define-macro (see below)]

Otherwise, without a macro system you'd have to add the dozen or so
"derived expressions", COND, CASE, AND, OR, LET, etc., as special forms.
[Note that due to the macro system not being part of the formal spec, these
were also called "essential syntax" in R4RS, but weren't really, since all
useful Schemes had *some* kind of macro system, even if just DEFMACRO!]

Aside: DEFINE has to be a primitive special form, since it must be
       capable of distinguishing whether it's being used at the top level
       (equivalent to a SET!) or as an "internal DEFINE" (equiv. to LETREC),
       and thus cannot be specified entirely by DEFINE-SYNTAX.

       Similarly, BEGIN must be capable of distinguishing whether it's
       being used at the top level, in which case it must propagate
       "top-level status" to any DEFINEs within it [much like PROGN does
       in CL]. When not at the top level, it could be macro-expanded into
       a call of a function ((LAMBDA (ignored) rest...) first-expr), but
       that hack doesn't work for preserving top-level status of DEFINEs.

R5RS Scheme formalized the DEFINE-SYNTAX macro system but also added
two local syntax binding forms [think MACROLET], and so ended up with
*11* primitive or special forms:

    {variable reference}
    {procedure call}

Listed another way, from R5RS "7.1.6 Programs and definitions" and
"7.1.3 Expressions":

    <program> ---> <command or definition>*

    <command or definition> ---> <command> | <definition>
			       | <syntax definition>
			       | (begin <command or definition>+)

    <definition> ---> (define <variable> <expression>)
		    | (define (<variable> <def formals>) <body>)
		    | (begin <definition>*)

    <expression> ---> <variable> | <literal> | <procedure call>
		    | <lambda expression> | <conditional> | <assignment>
		    | <derived expression> | <macro use> | <macro block>


    <syntax definition> ---> (define-syntax <keyword> <transformer spec>)

    <literal> ---> <quotation> | <self-evaluating>

    <derived expression> ---> {all the standard macros, COND, CASE, etc.}

    <macro use> ---> (<keyword> <datum>*)

    <macro block> ---> (let-syntax (<syntax spec>*) <body>)
		     | (letrec-syntax (<syntax spec>*) <body>)


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607