Subject: Re: Format puzzle
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 06:06:08 -0600
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
Tobias C. Rittweiler <> wrote:
| Ron Garret <> writes:
| > Here's a function that does what the Python string.join function does:
| > (defun join (l &optional (delim ""))
| >   (format nil (format nil "~~{~~A~~#[~~:;~A~~]~~}" delim) l))
| > Is there a way to do this with only a single call to format?
| If you don't mind a consing solution, what about
|   (format nil "~:{~A~A~}" (loop for word in list 
|                                 collect (list word delim)))

Your solution appends a spurious final "delim", e.g.:

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(format nil "~:{~A~A~}" (loop for word in list
				      collect (list word delim))))


But you can fix that with a bit of uglification:

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(format nil "~:{~A~^~@[~A~]~}"
		    (loop for tail on list
		      collect (list (first tail)
				    (when (rest tail) delim)))))


which can be simplified considerably by changing the LOOP iterator
from FOR...IN to FOR...ON, to allow lookahead, and *not* using sublists:

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(format nil "~{~A~^~A~}" (loop for tail on list
				   collect (first tail)
				   when (rest tail)
				     collect delim)))


But if you're going to allow LOOP, then why use FORMAT at all?!?
Since FORMAT probably uses WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING "under the hood",
just do so directly:

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(with-output-to-string (s)
	  (loop for tail on list
	    do (princ (first tail) s)
	       (when (rest tail)
		 (princ delim s)))))


Those still awake will note that Joshua Taylor suggested this two days ago
in <>,
except he used DO & WRITE-STRING and the above uses LOOP & PRINC.


p.s. To *really* beat a dead horse, we can merge this with the
"so something different the first time" thread [remember that?
"Subject: Multiple arguments to mapcar?"], switch back to FOR...IN,
rearrange things a bit, and get:

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(with-output-to-string (s)
	  (loop for word in list
		and first = t then nil
	    do (unless first
		 (princ delim s))
	       (princ word s))))


p.p.s. It must be really late here, or I never
could have even *considered* this version:  ;-}  ;-}

    > (let ((list '(a b c))
	    (delim #\,))
	(with-output-to-string (s)
	  (loop for word in list
		and maybe-delim = "" then delim
	    do (princ maybe-delim s)
	       (princ word s))))


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607