Subject: Re: Efficiency of arrays in LISP
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 23:35:08 -0600
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <> <> wrote:
| I have a list of data that I'm going to need to remove elements from,
| and select elements from randomly.  I am wondering the array functions
| in common lisp would be more effective (in terms of execution time)
| then using remove to remove and creating a loop that takes the car if
| iterations has reached the random number, and recursively calls itself
| on the cdr with a greater value of iterations otherwise.

Probably *way* more efficient than the list-based algorithm you're
describing. Here's one quick & dirty way of doing it with arrays:

    > (defun randomize-list (list)
	(loop with vector = (coerce list 'vector)
	      for limit from (length vector) downto 1
	      for index = (random limit)
	      for item = (aref vector index)
	  do (setf (aref vector index) (aref vector (1- limit)))
	  collect item))
    cmu> (defvar *data* '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 foo bar baz gorp quux))

    cmu> (randomize-list *data*)

    (6 5 BAZ 1 8 BAR 0 2 3 9 FOO 4 QUUX 7 GORP)
    cmu> (randomize-list *data*)

    (FOO 4 2 5 BAZ 6 BAR 3 GORP 1 0 8 9 QUUX 7)
    cmu> (randomize-list *data*)

    (0 1 6 GORP 7 QUUX 9 FOO BAR BAZ 2 3 4 8 5)

For extra credit...  ;-}

1. The above does unneeded work in some cases. Remove them.

2. Shuffle the vector in-place, and return the vector instead of a list.


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607