From: Bruce Tobin

Subject: cpointer arguments in ACL/Win

Date: 1996-10-28 10:04

Suppose you have the following definitions:

(ct:defcstruct mystruct
   ((data1 win:word)
    (data2 win:word)
    (data3 :char 4)))

(ct:defun-dll my-c-fun ((pmystruct (mystruct *)))
   :call-mode :c                                       
   :return-type :long
   :library-name mylib
   :entry-name "test-func")

Assuming that test-func takes one argument, a
pointer-to-mystruct that will be filled with the
address of a newly created mystruct:

1.  Is my-c-fun defined correctly?
2.  What do I pass to my-c-fun when I call it?
