From: Bruce Tobin

Subject: Various questions

Date: 1996-3-8 11:37

I've been working with the Web version of Allegro for MS- Windows and I'm 
extremely enthusiastic about the product-- so much so that I'd like to persuade 
my bosses to
use Allegro for a 3-tier client-server project we're currently doing in Forte.  
I'm thinking about ILU for the connectivity piece, but ILU for CL for Windows 
isn't available yet, and anyway
I'd like to know what alternatives exist.  Are there any companies or 
individuals providing
RPC /messaging / distributed object  extentions to Common Lisp that can be 
easily ported to an Allegro/MS-Win/TCP/IP  environment?  Free is OK, but 
commercial would be better.

P.S.: I sent a 'subscribe' message to this address, because it's the only 
address I have.
Is there another address for subscribe/unsubscribe requests?  Thanks.