From: cheetha (Ken Cheetham)

Subject: Re: set-font-problem

Date: 1996-6-27 0:31

  As everyone knows, the command set-font stream font-or-font-handle
  &optional (set-line-height t) changes the font of a stream. There is
  always the entire stream whose font is changed. I want to change just
  a part of the stream. It seems to me that there should be a start- and
  a end-argument in this command. How can I have a part of the stream in
  another font?

It sounds like you're referring to a text-edit-pane window.  When you
change the font of one of these, all of the text in the pane changes
to the new font.  This is a limitation of the Windows 3.1 text control
that we use for the text-edit-pane window in common graphics.  We hope
to add support at the common graphics level fairly soon for the newer
win95 rich edit control, which will allow for multiple fonts and text
colors, etc.

If, on the other hand, you are referring to ordinary graphical
windows, then you can in fact set the current font, draw some
text, set the current font again, and draw additional text in
order to combine multiple fonts in a window.

Ken Cheetham                          < at cheetham>
Franz Inc.                            Voice: (510) 548-3600
1995 University Avenue, Suite 275     Fax:   (510) 548-8253
Berkeley, CA  94704                   http:  //
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