From: Val Kulyukin

Subject: Re: excl:run-shell-command - error output - Solaris - allegro 4.3

Date: 1997-10-3 11:52

Hi Bryan:

> My problem is finding a way to reliably read error output after a > > (excl::run-shell-command command > :input :stream > :error-output :stream > :wait nil)) > > When the subprocess dies or exits > I find that a listen on the error output stream returns nil and > a read-line blocks forever after 1 line of error output is read.
When dealing with streams I found it best to use read-char-no-hang. Unlike read-line, it doesn't hang when the stream is empty. Also, you can extend it to your own read-line-no-hang.
> I was able to get all of the output by calling (sleep 1) before checking > the stream, but in my application, waiting a second for this is often > more time than it takes to process a unit of work. I guess that some other > function that forces a unix context switch probably would do the trick.
I had the same problem several months ago. I also used sleep but found it slow. What I ended up doing was coding all of the necessary low level stream functionality in C using <unistd.h>, <sys/stat.h>, <sys/socket.h>, <sys/types.h>, and <stropts.h>, putting an ACL layer on top of it, and using the ACL/Unix foreign function interface to load the C executables into my running lisp image. I don't know if this is a viable option for you, but it worked for me very well.
> Note that common lisp doesn't supply any interesting predicates to look > at the streams connected to the subprocess. There seems to be no way > of checking that the process attached is dead, that stuff written to the > input is disappearing into the bit bucket, etc.
It's true that ACL doesn't provide interesting predicates on streams but one can define those given the functionality of <stropts.h>. Also, ACL/Unix foreign function interface is great. Best regards, Val Kulyukin