Subject: Antwort: Re: Franz ACL 4.3.2 for Windows compared to ACL 3.0

Date: 1997-6-9 12:02

Concerning Erik Naggum comments to acl4w

>>>I was seriously disappointed with ACL for Windows --
it was no better than a randomly chosen Windows application (i.e., it crashed very often), and it was a lame implementation of Common Lisp. so
I do not agree to your comments. ACL4w was slow on number crunching (e.g. the pfannkuch benchmark, that Ken Anderson tested), but reasonable fast on the GUI side. The only think that always worried me was the 32K limit in the editor. I never got used to the emacs way of using a LISP IDE and prefer the ACL environment over the win-emacs interface. Karsten Disclaimer: Deutsche Bank is a C/Smalltalk shop for the FrontEnd,, i don't think that anybody else but me can type a (defun . This my personal opinion based on University of Wuerzburg expioerences