From: Martin Mallinson

Subject: RE: How to return a double

Date: 1997-6-13 21:19

Ok Charlie, I appreciate the reply. May I ask how you do this?
(I am still trying to get up to speed on ACL) can you send me
a code fragment that does it? I guess as follows, but I dont 
know, and I hate to have the C guys change the DLL for me if
this is not what you mean...

void add_doubles ( double x, double y, double *result )
   *result = x + y;

(ct:defun-dll add_doubles ((x :double) (y :double) (res (:double *))
 :return-type :void
 :library-name *cmt-library*
 :entry-name "add_doubles")

(setq a 5.60 b 7.80 c 0.0)
-> 0.0

(add_doubles a b c)
-> NIL
-> 13.4

Is that it?

Thanks for any help you can give...

Name: Martin Mallinson
E-mail: < at martin.mallinson> (Martin Mallinson)
Date: 6/13/97
Time: 2:57:17 PM