From: Bill Dubuque

Subject: Re: reading in large files

Date: 1997-6-19 11:12

Julie Goldberg < at jbg7> wrote:
| I don't think that's the problem, because I can read parts of the file one
| line at a time.  The problem stems from my being unable to display more
| than 32K at a time in a window.  I'm trying to write a work-around that
| splits up my files and displays them in sections, but it causes problems
| when I try to return to a specific place in my file.  If anyone has any
| suggestions, I'm still open to ideas regarding this problem.

The 32K limitiation obviously is at the root of many problems, 
including that described in my prior message.

You don't say what purpose you have for "displaying text in a window"
but if this is a text editing task then I highly recommend that you 
switch from the toy editor to Win-Emacs, along with my Editi interface
(both included free in ACL Professional).

A new version 3.0 of Editi was recently released, and this provides
capabilities way beyond what is capable with the resident editor
(it is also more novice-friendly, with menus, etc.). Anyone still 
using the toy resident editor is missing out on a lot of power. 

-Bill Dubuque