From: lli (Luke Lin)

Subject: Re: [spr16184] Time considerations in a CLOS application

Date: 1997-7-10 19:54

Suresh Kalathur,

I have taken over your problem report from Anna, who has left Franz
Inc. You wrote:

	We had an application written in CLOS and when I
	took the Time profile, I see it is being dominated
	by a few calls which I am showing below (expecially the

	Could you please give suggestions why they are the
	dominant ones and any way to avoid it.

The reason that the discriminator seems to be doing too much work is
because n-n-reader is grabbing a value which has been stored in 
its own slot in cache. Your output and profiles look standard. 
If you have further questions about this please send them by email to
< at bugs> with the identifier spr16184 in the subject line.

						Thank you
							Luke Lin

Luke Lin, Franz Inc.           1995 University Avenue, Suite 275
< at llin> (internet)      Berkeley, CA  94704
Phone: (510) 548-3600; FAX: (510) 548-8253
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