From: Dyte, Jon

Subject: Possible Bug in allegro 4.3 on Linux

Date: 1998-4-15 14:13

I'm using ACL4.3/Linux at home I think I have found a bug..

Here goes ;
(defstruct (zzz (:conc-name nil)
		(:print-function print-zzz))
 (anything 23));; anything is just a meaningless slot

(defun print-zzz (obj stream level)
  (write-string "[ " stream)
  ;; next-lines to deliberatley throw an error
  (let ((element (car t)))
    (write element :stream stream))
  (write-string " ]" stream)) 

in the listener on ACL Linux 4.3

> (setq test (make-zzz)) > [ #<Printer Error @ #x5654321>#
^^^^^^^^^^;; this varies Note the right " ]" does not get printed It seems that the print-zzz should really stop with the same error as if (car t) which is always an error is typed in the top level. Is this a documented error?. I have all the patches from the website. Jon