From: David S. Day

Subject: Re: tuning image size

Date: 1999-11-16 10:34

Does anyone know of any SGML/XML reading/parsing packages written in
Lisp?  I have looked around at the MIT HTTP-CL site, but the only thing
I have found there are HTML-specific reader/parsers.  I suppose the
next-best thing would be to incorporate something like expat as a
foreign-function call.

Thank you.

- David Day

| Dr. David S. Day      |  WWW:                 |
| MS K329               |   |
| The MITRE Corporation |  Intelligent Information Access Dept. (G63) |
| 202 Burlington Road   |  Information Technology Division (G60)      |
| Bedford MA  01730 USA |  Center for Integrated Intelligence Systems |
| Phone: (781) 271-2854 |  Fax: (781) 271-2352  Email: < at day>  |