From: Antoine Clanche

Subject: Delegation (assignment)

Date: 1999-6-22 10:05

Hello everybody,

I'm a french new user of Allegro CL 3.0 for Windows.

I'm trying to create a class D so that every instance of that class can be
an instance of the classes B or C (see the next graph).

		class A
      |                     |
  class B               class C

Each instance of class D is an instance of class B or an instance of class C.

I asked my if I really have to do an inheritance of B and C, because in
that class D: I don't need other particulat methods that don't exist in B
or C.

With C++ or Java, I would have used the "delegation" (or assignment) and so
I should'nt have used a multiple inheritance.
But, I don't find any documentation about that possibility in Allegro CL.

If, by fortune, you met that situation, please tell me how you've succeded !!

Every help woud be marvellous.

A young object-lisper.

Antoine Clanche
DESS Genie Logiciel
< at clanche>
tel: 05-56-84-32-95