From: Jorge Tavares

Subject: make-pathname

Date: 2003-1-21 10:14


This is a simple question but until now I was unable to find an answer. 
Supose i want to make a function that writes into a file in a specified 

For example:

(defun make-index ()
   (with-open-file (str (make-pathname
                         :name "index.html" :directory '(:absolute 
                        :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
                        :if-does-not-exist :create)
     (html-stream str (:html
                       (:head (:title "Test"))
                       (:body (:h1 "Test")
                              "HTML generator test.")))))

In this function, I can do what I want but with the exception of one 
minor detail: it saves the "index.html" in "C:\webpage". If I want the 
drive changed, for example "D:\webpage", what is the :absolute 
replacement? I've tried just puttng the string "D:\\webpage" but it 
always translate into "C:\<ACL DIR>\D:\webpage".

What are the options for make-pathname? I've search the documentation 
but I was unable to find something this simple.

Thanks in advance for any kind of advice,
Jorge Tavares

Jorge Tavares

"Evolution is the best engineer."