From: Greger Lindell

Subject: RE: regexp confusion / ODBC

Date: 2003-12-8 8:19

You may also be interested in our gsql system, see


Greger Lindell

A brief description of gsql contents:

An SQL database written entirely in Lisp

A development interface to this database as well as to any SQL database
accessed through the ACL ODBC interface. This is the by far the most
effective way to develop SQL, it allows you to write

(let ((gsql:*current-target* :oracle)
      (gsql:*pretty-sql* t)
      (selector '(gsql:like name "A%")))
   (gsql::concat name " (" nickname ")"))
  :from '((users :alias Users)
           ((gsql:select (id)
                             :from events)
            :alias B))
  :where `(and (= (Users . id) (B . id))
  :order-by '((name desc))))

And generate/execute

"select id, name||' ('||nickname||')'
    from users Users, (select id
                           from events) B
                           where (( = 
                             and (name like 'A%'))
    order by name desc"

Finally, there is a system for developing server applications with SQL
access in Lisp (resource pools, error handling etc etc)

-----Original Message-----
From: Edi Weitz <] at [mailto:edi> 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 11:33
To: Jack Tanner
Cc: < at Allegro-CL>
Subject: Re: regexp confusion

On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 01:15:01 -0500, Jack Tanner < at ihok>

> For completeness sake (completeness for my application, that is), is > there a portable cl-ODBC engine as well?
Oh, and you could use YstokSQL as a starting point. From the docs: "Compatibility with Allegro CL, CMUCL, Corman Lisp, and MCL is targetable." <> Edi.