From: "Charles A. Cox"

Subject: Virus on allegro-cl mailing list: problem being corrected

Date: 2003-5-19 14:35

  Over the weekend, some messages containing a virus attachment were
posted to the allegro-cl mailing list.  These messages got past our
filters because of a coincidence having to do with keywords we filter
on and character strings in the virus' encoding.

  We are correcting this problem by now filtering out any messages
with attachments.

  As is occasionally announced on this mailing list, submissions to
this mailing list pass through a filter which looks for acceptable
keywords to allegro-cl discussions.  If the submission makes it
through the filter, it is posted immediately.  Submissions not making
it through the filter are redirected to a human reviewer who can then
manually post the message if it is legitimate.

  For the most part, this filtering system has worked very well.
Several spam submissions are discarded every day.  Each time one gets
through, we look for ways to tighten the filter.  We intend to keep
the allegro-cl mailing list spam-free.

	Charley Cox
	< at allegro-cl-request>
	< at allegro-cl-request>