From: Edi Weitz

Subject: ASDF-INSTALL for LispWorks, AllegroCL, CLISP

Date: 2004-1-12 19:44

I have ported ASDF-INSTALL[1] to CMUCL, CLISP, AllegroCL, and
LispWorks. It is currently available from my own server at


and I'd be happy if people would test it and send me bug reports.

I've also written a little tutorial for ASDF-INSTALL aimed at
"newbies" which can be found at


I'd like to hear (er, read) what you think about it and how it can be

Finally, I'm willing to temporarily volunteer as a "porting
maintainer", so if anybody is willing to add support for other Lisps
or make the whole shebang work on MS Windows please send patches to my
email address.


[1] <>