From: David Lim

Subject: editi on Gnu emacs 19.31

Date: 1996-5-31 13:20

I just downloaded the latest release of Gnu emacs (19.31) for NT. I
have set it up so that it is equivalent to my Unix Gnu emacs environment:
- shell mode directory tracking is working (I'm using the 4NT shell
  with cd aliased to cdd)
- I can send mail (smtpmail.el) and read mail (using POP3 with RMAIL)
- I have one .emacs for both NT and Unix
- network emacs-lisp packages work - like ange-ftp
- scrollbars work

The only thing holding me back is EDITI. If I want to use EDITI, I
have to use Win-emacs which is based on XEmacs 19.6. The current
XEmacs is 19.14. So Win-Emacs is pretty far behind the main XEmacs
development line.

I would really like to see EDITI ported to Gnu Emacs. 

- This will allow Gnu emacs users (like me) to continue to use Gnu
  emacs without having to switch to XEmacs (which is very similar, but
  different enough to cause problems for user customization).

- Gnu emacs has a port to NT which is in sync with the main
  development line, thus most emacs-lisp packages will work on NT.

- for people who use both Unix and NT, this allows them to use the
  same editor on both systems without having to deal with
  shortcomings (e.g. lack of scrollbars) in one version over the
  other. Or the more basic problem that the user interface is slightly
  different in places (e.g. menu bar is slightly different, key
  bindings have changed).

What would it take to port EDITI to Gnu Emacs 19.31 for NT? I believe
one issue is that the timer program is not ported to the NT version of
emacs 19.31. What other issues are there?