From: Bill Dubuque

Subject: editi on Gnu emacs 19.31

Date: 1996-5-31 13:37

  Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 10:13:37 -0700 (PDT)
  From: David Lim < at david>

  ... What would it take to port EDITI to Gnu Emacs 19.31 for NT? 
  I believe one issue is that the timer program is not ported to 
  the NT version of emacs 19.31. What other issues are there?

As I said in earlier private mail, Franz and I have discussed
porting Editi from Win-Emacs to FSF Emacs. It will happen as 
soon as Franz decides to fund the work.

This is not necessarily a trivial amount of work, e.g. I don't
think that FSF Emacs has DDE support and Editi depends heavily on
such for fast IPC. Also, all of the tags extensions (auto-tags,
method completion, etc) will need to be merged in with the latest
FSF code. Ditto for FontiFly, etc.
