From: Dmitri Ivanov

Subject: ACLW 3.0.1: Two problems when loading IB generated dialogs

Date: 1997-3-2 4:11

1. I can't load the IB generated dialog code from Builder Open Window menu
   (see the source file at very bottom).

;; Error: Unbound variable EDGE-PROPERTIES in EDGE-PROPERTIES

The error appears even if the package SIMULA-GRAPHER exists before this
effort. I suspect the reason is using a package other than

After choosing the Abort restart, I discovered:

Apropos on "EDGE-PROPERTIES" in all packages
EDGE-PROPERTIES                          function
SIMULA-GRAPHER::EDGE-PROPERTIES          bound function

Why have I got the EDGE-PROPERTIES fbound both in COMMON-LISP-USER and

The usage of File Load menu command instead of Builder Open Window seems to
remedy the first problem.

2. I can't make the dialog with an up-and-down-control widget. While
initializing buddy widget, ACLW seems to look for the up-and-down control
inside the frame, not inside the dialog:

;; Error: No method in generic function DIALOG-ITEMS is applicable
;;        to arguments: #<HIERA-GRAPH-FRAME Some-frame #xE1EAF4>

                 Dmitri Ivanov
                < at divanov>

The file edge-dlg.bil is as follows:
;; Define the slot-setter-dialog Edge-Properties

(in-package :simula-grapher)

(defvar edge-properties nil)

;; Return the window, creating it the first time or when it's closed.
;; Use only this function if you need only one instance.
(defun edge-properties ()
   (if (windowp edge-properties) edge-properties
      (setq edge-properties (make-edge-properties))))

;; Create an instance of the window.
;; Use this if you need more than one instance.
(defun make-edge-properties (&key (parent *lisp-frame-window*)
                             (window-interior (make-box 7 166 459 451))
                             (name 'edge-properties)
                             (title "Edge Properties"))
   (setq *loaded-but-uncreated-windows*
      (delete 'edge-properties *loaded-but-uncreated-windows*))
   (let (window-0 window-1 window-2 window-3 window-4)
      (setq window-0
                  :widget 'static-text
                  :name :width-static
                  :title (delete #\Newline "")
                  :value (delete #\Newline "~Width")
                  :box (make-box 5 134 87 156)
                  :tabstop nil
                  :groupstart t
                  :background-color t
                  (make-font-ex :swiss :ms\ sans\ serif 13 '(:bold))
                  :tab-control nil)
                  :widget 'cancel-button
                  :name :cancel-button
                  :title (delete #\Newline "~Cancel")
                  :box (make-box 330 12 447 36)
                  :tabstop t
                  :groupstart nil
                  (delete #\Newline "")
                  :set-value-fn 'return-nil-from-pop-up-dialog
                  (make-font-ex :swiss :ms\ sans\ serif 13 '(:bold)))
                  :widget 'default-button
                  :name :default-button
                  :title (delete #\Newline "~OK")
                  :box (make-box 205 12 322 36)
                  :tabstop t
                  :groupstart nil
                  (delete #\Newline "")
                  :set-value-fn 'return-t-from-pop-up-dialog
                  :font (make-font-ex :swiss :system 17 '(:bold)))
                  :widget 'up-down-control
                  :name :up-down-control-1
                  :title (delete #\Newline "")
                  :value 0
                  :box (make-box 164 134 184 156)
                  :tabstop t
                  :groupstart nil
                  :background-color t
                  (delete #\Newline "Press arrows to change the width")
                  :buddy-side :right
                  :delayed nil
                  :orientation :vertical
                  :range (list 0 10)
                  :buddy-widget 'width)
                  :widget 'lisp-text
                  :name 'width
                  :title (delete #\Newline "")
                  :value 0
                  :box (make-box 119 134 166 156)
                  :tabstop t
                  :groupstart t
                  :help-string (delete #\Newline "Line width")
                  :set-value-fn 'library:slot-setter-set-value-fn
                  :value-equality-test 'equalp
                  :font (make-font-ex nil :courier 13 nil)
                  :dirty t
                  :tab-control nil
                  :up-down-control :up-down-control-1))
            'library:slot-setter-dialog parent
            :name name
            :title title
            :font (make-font :swiss :system 20 '(:bold))
            :window-state :shrunk
            :window-border :frame
            :left-attachment nil
            :top-attachment nil
            :right-attachment nil
            :bottom-attachment nil
            :user-movable t
            :user-resizable t
            :user-closable t
            :user-shrinkable nil
            :user-scrollable nil
            :overlapped nil
            :background-color light-gray
            :pop-up-p t
            :window-interior window-interior))
      (setf (window-editable-p window-0) t)
      (setf (getf (stream-plist window-0) :path)
         (let* ((pathname (load-time-value *load-pathname*)))
               (or (not (pathnamep pathname))
                  (member (pathname-type pathname) *fsl-extensions*
                     :test #'string-equal))
               (namestring pathname))))
      (setf (getf (stream-plist window-0) :startup-state) :pop-up)
      (setf (getf (stream-plist window-0) :top-level-p) nil)
      (setf (help-string window-0) (delete #\Newline nil))
      (setf (getf (stream-plist window-0) :package) :simula-grapher)
      (let* ((box (getf *window-exteriors* (object-name window-0))))
         (when box (reshape-window-exterior window-0 box)))
      (show-window window-0 :shrunk)
(unless (windowp edge-properties)
   (pushnew 'edge-properties *loaded-but-uncreated-windows*))