From: Francis Leboutte

Subject: Re: A few questions about ACL 3.0.2 for Windows

Date: 1998-6-9 8:42

At 9/06/98 09:36 +0000, Juanma Barranquero wrote:
>On Tue, 09 Jun 1998 11:17:04 +0200, Francis Leboutte said: >
> >Thanks a lot, it works like a charm;
>but I've substituted CTRL-Q for >CTRL-X because CTRL-X is bound to Clipboard Cut (at least in my >Windows ACL).
Can be removed with: (dolist (n comtab:*comtab-names*) (comtab::set-event-function (symbol-value n) '(control-key #\X) nil)) the Cut command should stil be bound to SHFT-DEL Francis -- Francis Leboutte, Algorithme, Rue de la Charrette 141, 4130 Tilff, Belgium < at f.leboutte> < at leboutte> t&fax: +32-(0)4-388.35.28 Marre du courrier non sollicité (spam)? Visitez