From: Patrick A. O'Donnell

Subject: Re: Warning during macro expansion

Date: 1999-10-21 15:07

    Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:59:53 -0400 (EDT)
    From: David Young < at dey>
    However, if I then redefine an existing command from the Lisp Listener:

      (defcommand ENT-EQPT)

    Lisp tells me:

      Warning: ENT-EQPT, :TYPE was defined in /files/devel... and is now being
	       defined at the top level


This is, generally, desirable behavior.  It can be annoying when you
_know_ you're intentionally redefining a type or function or
something.  But, it helps warn you if you _didn't_ intend to redefine
that command, but made a typo or merely didn't realize that another
definition with that name already existed.

See the documentation for excl:*redefinition-warnings*.

		- Patrick O'Donnell
		  < at pao>