From: David Young

Subject: Re: Warning during macro expansion

Date: 1999-10-21 18:59

>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick A O'Donnell < at pao> writes:
Patrick> Warning: ENT-EQPT, :TYPE was defined in Patrick> /files/devel... and is now being defined at the top level Patrick> #<STANDARD-CLASS ENT-EQPT> Patrick> ... Patrick> This is, generally, desirable behavior. It can be annoying Patrick> when you _know_ you're intentionally redefining a type or Patrick> function or something. But, it helps warn you if you Patrick> _didn't_ intend to redefine that command, but made a typo or Patrick> merely didn't realize that another definition with that name Patrick> already existed. Yes indeed. This thought occurred to me just a bit ago, and after experimenting a bit more I came to the same conclusion. Thanks very much for the clarification. Regards, -- ------------------------------------------------------------- David E. Young Fujitsu Network Communications "The fact that ... we still < at (dey> live well cannot ease the pain of feeling that we no longer live nobly." -- John Updike "Programming should be fun, programs should be beautiful" -- P. Graham