From: Ciske Busch

Subject: Missing NC-LEFT-MOUSE-UP event in ACL 5 for Windows?

Date: 1999-3-1 8:53


it seems that the nc-left-mouse-up event only gets called after a
Please verify this with the following code-fragment.

* on the opening window, if you click on any part of the frame, it prints
"down!" to the listener
* if you release the button nothing happens except for after a double-click:
only then "up!" is printed to the listener.

;;; begin code
(defclass test-window (non-refreshing-window)

(defmethod nc-mouse-left-down ((self test-window) bs data frame-section)
   (declare (ignore bs data frame-section))
   (format t "~%down!")

(defmethod nc-mouse-left-up ((self test-window) bs data frame-section)
   (declare (ignore bs data frame-section))
   (format t "~%up!")

(make-window :test :device 'test-window)
;;; end code

*  ACL5.0, newest Patches, Windows NT 4 SP4, K6-200, 128 MB
*  ACL5.0, newest Patches, Windows 98, PII-266, 64 MB

Did I miss anything or is this a bug?

Any coments would be appreciated.


"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."

Ciske Busch
Lehrstuhl fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz und Angewandte Informatik
Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany
ICQ: #23765977

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