From: Berthe Y. Choueiry


Date: 2003-1-30 12:44

You need to setenv DISPLAY, even though ssh should (theoretically)
take care of this...  My system admin summarized the steps below:

	1) login to the machine and open a command window.

	2) Allow access to your machine display from the server.
> xhost +<MachineWhereACLisRunning>"
3) ssh to your +<MachineWhereACLisRunning>" 4) Get the Clients IP number. once logged into server run the command
> echo $SSH_CLIENT
The above command will return an IP number and some other numbers. The IP number will be in the 129.zz.xx.yyy format. 5) Set the DISPLAY environment variable on the server.
> setenv DISPLAY 129.zz.xx.yyy:0
6) Launch X app. xemacs, ACL, and composer. etc.. It works for me on Linux (I sometimes need to do it on Unix too). Never tried on Windows. Hope this helps. -Berthe Y. Choueiry < at choueiry>