From: Eric Marsden

Subject: Re: (unknown)

Date: 2003-1-31 10:53

>>>>> "jt" == Jack Tanner < at ihok> writes:
jt> I can ssh, I can start Emacs and ELI, and I can start Common Lisp in jt> Emacs. But when, from Emacs, I try to start Composer, I get "X11 jt> connection rejected because of wrong authentication" in the terminal jt> and "Error: Attempt to use closed display #<xlib:display localhost:10 jt> ( R0)>" in the Lisp listener in Emacs. this is probably because the version of CLX that is distributed with ACL doesn't handle the new types of entries in the ~/.Xauthority file that are created by recent versions of X11 (esp for ssh-forwarded connections). The CLX distributed with CMUCL has been modified to support this. If you don't want to upgrade to CMUCL *smirk*, I would ask Franz to fix their CLX. -- Eric Marsden <URL:>